Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pixie Cut Pics Aug 21

Welcome back to The Pixie Revolution,

Our last picture post of angled bob's was a departure from what we normally do here, and that is post pics
of great new generation pixie cuts.
It seems every time I look I am finding new pictures of pixie cuts. So with that here is another
batch of great looking pixie cuts.  I'm also noticing alot of the new pixie cuts are featuring sidebuzzed looks.


  1. Mac,

    Another great set of pictures. One of the photos (fourth photo after the four-photo grouping labeled "Efter") is of Laura Harris playing Jill Bernhardt from the recent so-so short-lived TV series "Women's Murder Club" (2007-2008).

    That is a PERFECT example of what I mentioned in a previous comment - that is - I will watch a medium to crappy show if they have a cute girl/woman with a great haircut in it. Laura Harris wad the reason to watch/TiVo that show.

    Also on TV series you oftentimes get to see the cut from all angles.


  2. Another great set of pics! First one is my fav, such super short back and sides yet extremely cute and feminine looking.

  3. thanks for the comments guys.
    I didnt even know the one pic was from a tv show.
    Thanks Perfect-Cut

  4. thanks fot the comments.
    Perfect Cut I didnt even know the one pic was from a tv show.
    Thats pretty funny. just found it on the net.

  5. Like you, I'm seeing more and more side buzz, both with long and short hair. While waiting for Anna to arrive at the airport, there was a girl standing next to me with a sidebuzz. I wanted to capture it with my camera, but there was no way I could with so many people standing there.
