Sunday, August 5, 2012

Short Haired Babe Of The Week: Elisha Cuthbert 8/5/12

                                                           Elisha Cuthbert

When I decided to start Short Haired Babe Of The Week on this blog a flood gate of idea's of who
would be on this list  came to me at once. Who would I pick first. There are so many. Ultimately I went with Tiffani Amber Thiessen as the very first Short Haired Babe Of The Week. It was a tough call. There has been so many short haired beauties in tv, movies, and music over the years it's hard to pick one. I'm sure alot of you are probably thinking I should had picked someone who is currently short haired. Which I could of, but I wanted to open it up to every women past and present who has ever had short hair.
This week's pick should come as no surprise as with the exception of present day, this girl has always had short hair to one degree or another during her career. Sure there has been some extension periods.
And currently she is wearing dreadful extensions for the tv show she is currently in. But on her own, she has sported some of the coolest short haired styles, and has done it looking hot with every one of them. I would had picked this actress as the honorary first Short Haired Babe but didnt want to pull out one of my all time favorites right out of the gate.
This week's Short Haired Babe Of The Week is Elisha Cuthbert.

Born November 30th 1982 in Montreal Canada.
Elisha got her start as a teen on the tv show Popular Mechanic's For Kids.
By the time she hit Hollywood and got her big break starring on the tv show 24 as Keither Sutherland's daughter Kim Bauer she had come into her own and debuted with a striking feathered shoulder length bleached blonde hair cut. The color ultimately became her trademark color. At the time the feathered razor cut above the shoulders length look was the "it" style for the early 2000-2003 era.
Soon movies came calling and Elisha starred in the hit The Girl Next Door. In it she played a porn star who goes into hiding in California and moves next door to high school over achiever Emile Hirsch.
 Around this time Elisha also starred in the Weezer video 'Perfect Situation', where she portray's the original lead singer of the band.  If your a fan of hers or would like to see her rocking it out with shaggy shoulder length short hair I highly recommend this video. Trust me she is beyond hot in this video!

Throughout the 00's decade Elisha had extensions for various roles but always went back to her original shorter length.
In late 2007 Elisha shocked everyone by cutting her locks off into a short pixie cut. In explanation for why she cut her hair her response was she wanted to get a buzzcut, but after Britney Sprears went off the deep end and shaved her head, she wanted to steer clear of the stigma that might be associated with Britney at the time and decided to get it cut really short instead. Elisha's pixie cut was the talk of  hollywood's fashion scene. It was also a cut that inspired my wife as well to get her hair cut like Elisha's.

By 2009 Elisha was sporting an angled bob. I highly recommend the movie "Sassy Girl" which stars Elisha Cuthbert to see her in her angled bobbed glory.
Eventually Elisha went back to extensions, but at her core, time and time again she has gone back to her short hair.
Currently Elisha is wearing extensions and stars in ABC's comedy tv show Happy Endings.
After seeing Elisha's track record with having short hair, I can firmly say it's not a matter of if, but when she has short hair again.
The thing about Elisha Cuthbert is she is absolutely beautiful no matter how she looks. Elisha is as close to a Perfect 10 that you can get in my books. This girl can not take a bad picture. She also get's kudo's for appearing in numerous photo shoots with short hair.
Too many times it seems women in Hollywood are forced to wear extensions for photoshoots, because magazine editor's or photographers think men dont want to see a short haired woman on a magazine cover.
Clearly they dont know how many men out there actually do loved short haired women.
So here's to Elisha Cuthbert.
Enjoy the extensive photo gallery below.

  Pictured below: 2008. Yes it's side swept to one side and shorter/buzzed on the other!!!

                                                 Below: Photography by George Holz


  1. Mac,

    THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you ... for all the research, all the photos of my self-proclaimed "Short Hair Goddess #1" (see my comment on then post below).


    1. Perfect Cut,

      I couldnt agree with you more.
      Elisha is my number 1 short haired goddess in the showbiz world.
      My wife of course being number 1 in my life and the real world for me.
      Even with long hair or extensions Elisha is still my number 1 fantasy girl.

  2. Great pick for short haired babe of the week. Elisha is a cutie with a real Girl Next Door look. Great set of photos Mac.

  3. I love Elisha cuthbert, I have A Wallpaper Collection of her, Come and visit my blog wallpaper :)
