Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Bad Do You Want An Update?

Welcome Back To The Pixie Revolution,

Ok so here's the deal. I want to reward the faithful who have stuck it out and stayed with us,
That being said, I want to add to the suspense and see how many people really want to see this blog
move forward and are interested in what we put out.
So here's what we're going to do.
900 views or more you get the rest of this set of pics of Mrs Mac buzzing her own hair to a short #2 which we took this past weekend
More then 5 comments you get the rest of this set of pics

1500 views or more you get this set of pics plus after the buzzing pics, plus early pics from the late Jan cut.

2500 views or more you get all of the above plus after pics of Mrs Mac after she buzzed her own hair to #1 guard after not thinking the short #2 buzzing she gave herself was short enough.

What everybody gets to see is up to all of you.
Looking forward to the feedback and views so I can share the craziness that was this past weekend and the incredible pics that went with it.


  1. Bring it on! Looking forward to some new pics.

  2. Wow Mac. Just wow. Pics, please!

  3. Looking good and can't wait to see those pictures!

  4. Would love to see them. I'm a big fan and have been following along.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Great looking pics, can't wait to see the rest. You're one lucky man.

  7. That's one hot momma. Love to see her take it all off

  8. Glad to see the updates are starting again. let's see more of Mrs. Mac.

  9. Mac,

    You know that I am in. I would love to see the photos but just the one you posted has Mrs Mac looking VERY nice.

    But I have to mention that the pose reminds me (no offense) of the famous National Lampoon magazine cover titled: "If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill This Dog" (January 1973). See Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Lampoon_(magazine) and here for a photo of the cover: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3177/3116706556_fae8ffc956_z.jpg?zz=1

    Please take the above comment in the fun that it is offered.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. thanks for the comments everyone. Pics will be forthcoming. Perfect Cut, no offense taken. Your comment actually gave me a laugh.

  12. Come on your killing us!! Can't wait to see

  13. Wow - looks like a great start to a fantastic haircut

  14. Wow - looks like a great start to a fantastic haircut

  15. I am in. Would love to see all of the photos. You are a lucky guy to have a wife willing to participate in your short hair fetish.

  16. MacGuyver, I think this blog attracts a lot of "lurkers," probably much more are willing to post. Also, I do believe that there are many more who truly enjoy and appreciate the photos of your wife than post comments; many are simply reluctant to post because it feels awkward commenting on the appearance of another man's wife. I tend to feel much that way myself; I certainly wouldn't want to offend either of you in any way, or to "objective" Mrs. Mac as the subject of my short hair fantasies. But, as you seem to desire feedback, let me take a chance... I am particularly fond of the photos of your wife because she proves that a "real" woman who isn't model-thin can still pull off some daringly short hairstyles. Having a girlfriend myself whose body type is somewhat similar to Mrs. Mac's, I'm always hoping that my admmiration for Mrs. Mac's photos will inspire her to cut her hair shorter than she otherwise might (and as short and sexy as I would like to see it!)

  17. Thank you everyone who commented. The pics will be up either tommorow thurs feb 14th or friday the 15th. I would like Mrs Mac to tell her story and viewpoint of the home buzzing. Enb thnks for the comment. I would have to say mrs mac is just as much into this hair interest as i am if not more. I dont know if we call it a fetish or not or enthusiasm but we both get the whole short hair thing. Anonomous thank you for taking a chance and posting your comment. If Mrs Mac can inspire others to tell their wives or gfs about their short hair interest then I feel we accomplished something. I dont see others comments as objectiying my wife more or less an appreciation. And its a mutal one that i can share with you all. 5 years ago i felt alone in my short hair on women interest. I am indeed a lucky guy, but 5 years ago mrs mac and I battled alot over her hair with the angled bob and buzzed nape being the focal point on our differences. Mrs Mac used to save the pics of the angled bob pics i would give her under a file called" the hair style I hate". I am lucky and blessed we found a mutal love for pixies and the emergance of the sidebuuzed undercut pixies. And that and the fact Mrs Mac loves the look itself is what we're all celebrating here.

  18. A few years ago I felt the same way about my short hair interests. After following your blog, and others involving husband and wives hair adventures, I've become much more open with my wife about how much I like her hair short. Luckily we have a stylist who's easy to talk to and gets me completely. She makes it easy to talk about hairstyles and how I like Mrs hair in the salon, which I think helps Mrs to be more receptive to my ideas. Unfortunately she doesn't share Mrs Mac's enthusiasm for short hair, and has her "not so short this time" days, but keeps going back shorter again. Not so long ago this wouldn't be happening and I think I owe it to blogs like this for making me speak up.

  19. Wow, really looking forward to this update.

    I really appreciate all the sites where people share their actual life, and a big thank to all the girlsfriends/whifes who let their guys share it to the public.
