Monday, March 11, 2013

Elisha Cuthbert Lookalike Self Buzz Cut Video

Hello All,
Mac here,
Found this video on youtube and thought I'd share it with you.
While looking for video's of short hair cuts on women and makeover video's I found this gem.
The simularity of this girl in this video to that of Elisha Cuthbert is uncanny to say the least.
The irony of course is not only has Elisha been a wearer of short hair for the better part of the last decade, she also publically stated she wanted to shave her head back in 2007.
Whle it's not her in this video, the girl in the video could definetly be her twin so it's as close as one can get to seeing Elisha with a buzzcut.
On another note, Friday March 15th is appointment time for Mrs Mac at the hair salon.
As you know Mrs Mac rebuzzed her own undercut last month with a #1 guard. The buzzed region
has grown in nice and dark and is back to probably an estimated guess a #2. What exactly Mrs Mac is getting done in regards to her friday cut is anyone's guess. A trim is deifnetly in order when it comes to the over all length , but as far as the buzzed part, if it is a #2 how much really can be rebuzzed?
Mrs Mac liked the #1 buzzing, I did not however. A little too baron for me.
Look for a before and after set of pics next week sometime. if we're lucky maybe by weekend if I can get Mrs Mac to take some pics and I rush it and upload the pics.
Until then...


  1. Hey Mac,
    That girl is a dead ringer for Elisha. Not really into the head shaving thing though. Like you I find it a little too bare. I do love a really short style though. Hope Mrs Mac's cut turns out more to your liking.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow... This girl looks like she could be a stunt double for Elisha.

    Great pixie until she shaved it.

    More great pics of her here

  4. Mac, EXCELLENT find. I too have always liked Elisha (even tho' her current show "Happy Endings' has her in long hair) since back in "24". I agree with Enzo, great avante garde pixie until she shaved it.


  5. Mac, EXCELLENT find. I too have always liked Elisha (even tho' her current show "Happy Endings' has her in long hair) since back in "24". I agree with Enzo, great avante garde pixie until she shaved it.


  6. Thanks for the comments Wayner, Enzo and Perfect Cut perfect cut. Great point. I watch Hapy Endings when its on and have the dvds of the season just because Elisha is on the show. And as attractive and gorgeous as she is i wish we'd get to see a short haired Elisha on prime time television. Enzo thanks for the added info of the model in the video. Hope she makes it big as i would love to see her cast as elisha's twin sister in a movie or on Happy Endings. And lastly yeah her pixie at the start of the video rocked. I dont mind per say she shaved it though,But would have rather seen a #1 or #2 buzzcut in her instead of the no guard shave.
